[in.ter.action: mutual or reciprocal action or influence.]

This blog will provide information about human rights and freedom of expression, activism, world crises, humanitarian problems, innovative ideas, projects and internships.You will be reading about foundations,sponsorships, donations,petitions,watching documentaries, photography projects.. and any effective actions that are making this world a better place to live.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Human Slavery

[Tradução para português em breve]
There are an estimated 27 million people enslaved by violence and held against their wills for the purposes of exploitation in the world today. These are human beings... each one of them, forced into bonded labor, trafficking, forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation of children, early and forced marriage, child labor and/or ‘chattel’ slavery (traditional slavery). Through this Interactive Map you can take a look at slavery as it is today around the world.

Be part of this fight with us!!! Help to end human slavery!

There are sereval ways of helping and taking action!! Take a look at the possibilities!

Anti-Slavery International (ASI) ASI is the oldest human rights organization in world, sister organization to Free the Slaves, based in England.

Child Labor Coalition (CLC) The CLC is a network of organizations around the United States that work to end child labor.

Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) CRIN is a global network of children’s rights orga- nizations striving to improve the lives of children by exchanging information about child rights, promoting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and developing capacity building and networking tools.

Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) CAST provides social services and human rights advo- cacy to victims of trafficking and slavery.

Education to Combat Abusive Child Labor (ECACL) ECACL provides technical, managment and program support for the US Agency for International Develop- ment. Its web site has a comprehensive database on child labor.

Free the Children
Set up by Canadian schoolchildren, Free the Children is dedicated to eliminating the exploitation of children around the world by encouraging youth to volunteer in, as well as to create, programs and activities that relieve the plight of underpriveleged children. It is an organiza- tion run by children for children.

Global March Against Child Labor
The Global March fights child labor through raising awareness and coordinating the efforts of their partners around the world.

Maiti Nepal 
Maiti's focus has always been on prevention of girl trafficking, a burning issue for Nepal. Rescuing girls forced into prostitution and helping to find economic alternatives have been our key struggle. Rehabilitation, although not literally possible especially with former prostitutes, is one major challenge we have accepted in our work.


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